
23 March 2012

Outstanding Success Is My Birthright

Bishop David O. Oyedepo
Glory greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I believe we have all had an awesome time in the school of faith all through the month of February. I am therefore persuaded that every Winner is sure to see the Glory of God in unprecedented dimensions this year in Jesus’ name. Amen
What then is the Holy Ghost saying concerning the month of March 2012? We recognize from scriptures that:
  • Every child of God belongs to royaltyI Pet 2:9
  • Everyone that is born–again is born to reign as a King in his fieldRev 5: 9-10
  • Redemption spiritually repositions the believer for the topMatt 5: 13-16
  • Every believer is redeemed a starRev 22:16, John 17:18
However, to realize this awesome heritage we must discover and engage vital biblical keys – Matt 16:18, Lk. 11:52.
The following facts are of importance in this regard:
  • David – A ‘man after God’s own heart’ became the most celebrated anointed king of Israel – I Sam 13:14, I Sam 16:13
  • Job the ‘DEADLY- lover’ of God became the business king of his days – Job 1:1-3 / 7:8 / 13:15, Job 29: 3-18.
  • Daniel and his companions subdued the kingdom of Babylon with their ‘MAD- love’ for God – Dan 1: 8 / 17, Dan 3:14-30, Dan 6: 1-30
  • Paul – The ‘CRAZY- lover ‘ of Christ was king of the Apostles – Ph 1:21 / 3:7-8 / Gal 2:20, Rom 8:35-38 / Acts 19:14-16, Acts 14:11
From all the above, we understand that every ‘anointed lover of God’ ends up a high-flyer, a path-finder, a pace-setter and a trail-blazer – I Cor 2:9
WHY? Because Love never fails – Love always winsI Cor 13:8
While it is clear that every Child of God is destined for the top but the fact remains that we can only gain access to the topmost top by engaging the virtue of unreserved love for Christ and his Kingdom.

The love of God has proved to be a sure foundation for a glorious and enviable destiny but when the foundation is destroyed the righteous can do nothing – Matt 22:36-40, Ps 11:3
Furthermore, the bible reveals LOVE as the master key to a world of exploits – I Cor. 2:9

Therefore, the Prophetic theme for the month of March 2012 is
Outstanding Success is my Birthright” (Matt 5:13-16)
As we all know, everything in the Kingdom works by faith but faith in turn works by love. That means everything in the life of a believer works by love – Gal 5:6 / I Cor 13:1-3.

Therefore expect the love of God to translate all your desires into tangible deliveries beginning with this month. I believe that every Winner shall be marching forward supernaturally this month by engaging the ‘burning love of God’ as a lifestyle and this is sure to get us to the topmost top in our various endeavours.
Recommended books for the month include:
  • Exploring the Secrets of Success
  • Success Strategies
  • Success Systems
  • Success Buttons
  • Ruling your world
  • Possessing your possession
  • Make your life counts – by Faith Oyedepo
  • Creating a new beginning – by David Abioye
Jesus is Lord!

Bishop David O. Oyedepo

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